The foul-ball controversy at Chicago’s Wrigley Field isn’t really a controversy now, because it has since been learned that:

*The man who “stole” the kid’s ball had earlier helped that same kid get a ball.

*The Cubs gave the kid another ball. So he’s got two.

*The “stolen” ball was ultimately given to a different kid. Just not on camera.

True, these facts take away the fun of hysterically vilifying someone. So feel free to ignore them, as most are.

Bleeding-heart America’s grotesque overreaction to this was astounding.

The kid and his family had front-row seats at Wrigley Field. They probably went home in a limousine and didn’t tip the driver.

Is it so terrible when a kid misses out on something?

If kids occasionally missed out, and without the frenzied public outcry that too often accompanies, perhaps America wouldn’t be raising generations of spoiled, entitled brats who expect everything handed to them.

We are dealing with the fruit of that: A bunch of spoiled, entitled adults who expect everything handed to them.

Kids don’t need coddled. They need to learn how to deal with disappointment, because there is plenty of disappointment on the horizon.

I wonder if that kid considered giving one of his two balls to a kid outside Wrigley who couldn’t afford a ticket? Or to a kid in the next row who didn’t get a ball? Did sharing ever cross the mind of that kid, or the minds of his parents?

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