Twitter can be funny. It can also be toxic.

Comedian and ‘DVE morning show co-host Bill Crawford was funny.

Steelers wide receiver Ryan Switzer turned that humor toxic.

Crawford tweeted this after Switzer’s only catch of Sunday’s game at Los Angeles went for a two-yard loss:

That’s funny – not uproariously so, but I chuckled.

It’s a harmless joke, and reflects Switzer averaging a meager 3.4 yards per catch (eight receptions, 27 yards) this season.

But, the next day, Switzer fired back:

First off, nobody needs to see Switzer’s resume – which somehow didn’t include his current 3.4 yards-per-catch figure. "Parade All-American in high school"? Who gives a flying fornication?

Secondly, Crawford is a comedian. He makes his living by being funny. He’s not “disrespecting your work with click-bait jokes.” There’s not even anything to click.

A 5-foot-8 receiver that had one catch for minus-2 yards in his most recent game should have a thicker skin. He should also rent, not buy.

That’s social media. A backup WR can be a “brand” and sell “Switzburgh” T-shirts.

But for somebody with such a great resume, Switzer barely gets on the field.

Courtesy of Getty Images.

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