ESPN fills the suddenly-coveted Sunday at 9 p.m. time slot with a series of new “30 for 30” documentaries.

Bruce Lee and 1998’s steroid-soaked MLB home-run chase must wait, because this Sunday sees the debut of “LANCE” (all caps, like KISS). It’s the first of two parts about cycling cheat Lance Armstrong, who lives in shame but still lives rich. (An early $100K investment in Uber earned Armstrong $20 million.)

Not sure how much new light gets shed. But “LANCE” features new interviews with Armstrong. New interviews with Michael Jordan were a huge part of “The Last Dance.”

Armstrong’s quote at the end of the trailer speaks volumes: “I’m not going to lie to you right now. I’m going to tell you my truth.”

Armstrong always told us “his truth.” But “his truth” has been mostly lies. (The resulting lack of credibility really damaged his cameo in “Dodgeball.”)

A huge percentage of cyclists doped then. If Armstrong doesn’t, what’s gained? He might not be disgraced. But he’d be anonymous. He got paid, and had shining moments. Chances are great Armstrong was the best cyclist anyway.

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