Here's an excerpt from my latest Trib column:

Gunner Olszewski committed one of the dumbest plays ever. He fielded a kickoff at the 9-yard line near the sideline midway through the first quarter, inexplicably toe-tapping to momentarily stay in bounds. Like he was catching a pass.

Olszewski’s gaffe cost the Steelers 31 yards. Had he let the kickoff go out of bounds, the Steelers get the ball at the 40.

It was idiocy of the worst sort. Stupidity that gets you benched or cut.

It got Olszewski none of the above. He went right back out there, doubling down by fumbling the ball away later that quarter.

Olszewski pulled the most brainless move in Pittsburgh sports since Pirates first baseman Will Craig “trapped” Chicago’s Javier Baez in a rundown between first base and home plate two seasons ago. It showed complete ignorance of the situation. It was like a bad own-goal in soccer or shooting at the wrong hoop in basketball.

Part of the fun is comparing. So, watch video of these two amazing gaffes and decide which is dumber. Vote on my Twitter/X page: @MarkMaddenX . A poll is posted.

Why Olszewski is a dope is detailed above.

Craig's stupidity is easily described: Baez had nowhere to go besides first base. He couldn't retreat and be safe at home. All Craig had to do was turn and touch first.

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