Portugal. The Man Share 'Movement Is Medicine' Short With Acosia Red Elk

Last year, Portugal. The Man launched the PTM Foundation to aid Indigenous Peoples, and today (October 11) the organization shared a beautiful short film titled Movement is Medicine to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day. The film stars Acosia Red Elk and was directed by Josué Rivas and Aaron Brown.

“Our friend and PTM Foundation Community Advisory Board member Josué Rivas was telling us about his friend, Acosia Red Elk, who is practiced in the art of movement and sound and how it heals the body,” Portugal. The Man's Zachary Carothers said in a statement. “We then got to hear, see and experience her and her work firsthand and were blown away. Acosia Red Elk is an incredible person and we are really honored that we get to help tell her story this year for Indigenous Peoples Day.”

“When we move our body, we move energy and matter. When we move emotional stuff like negative thought forms and old programming and limiting beliefs, we can change the way we think and feel," Acosia Red Elk said about the film. "By moving energy within our thoughts, we can heal our mind. When our physical body and our mind are working in balance, our spirit glows brighter, our energy ripples stronger, we vibrate at a higher level. We change our DNA coding. We change the reality of the mental and physical state of our future generations. Deconstructing, then reconstructing.”

The directors gave powerful statements too. "A year later, this video we made with our relative Acosia resonates more than ever. We are living through a major change in humanity and we are being asked to remember who we are. We are the people. As we continue to amplify our voices as Indigenous peoples, we also take a minute to breathe and listen to the words Acosia brings. Her voice and movement carries us to the future," said Rivas.

“In Acosia's teachings, I have had the opportunity to see ideas embodied. The language she shares in the film not only expresses inspiring ideas on their own but having had the opportunity to capture her performance of these ideas, in full jingle dress regalia, has been a tremendous and unforgettable honor. I hope that this film offers similar feelings of gratitude for others, as has it has provided for me,” added Brown.

Watch Movement is Medicine above.

In addition to the short, P.TM are also selling a new version of their "Water Is Life" shirt that features Acosia Red Elk. All of the proceeds will support Native communities that are facing a water crisis. Get more info about the fundraiser here.

P.TM are hitting the road with Alt-J next year. See a full list of tour dates here.

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