So something that Dr. Anthony Fauci had said while speaking at the Association of Performing Arts Professionals Conference, was that fall shows were possible in this calendar year. As the pandemic rolls on and with vaccine distribution is still unreliable, rock fans keep wondering if their favorite summer tours are actually going to happen.
Sidebar, check out this story about how LiveNation and AEG want venues to help serve as a vaccination site. Win-win right there.
You can count Rivers Cuomo of Weezer as one of the musicians who thinks, yes, they will. Asked by NME magazine if the Hella Mega Tour with Green Day, Fall Out Boy, and Interrupters would get underway as re-scheduled for June 9th in Austria (it hits the US in July), Rivers answered, "My manager just told me yesterday that the U.S. Promoter is still saying it's gonna happen.”
To be fair, Rivers added with a shrug, "That could change, but I’m not making any other plans for the summer.”
For us here in Pittsburgh, if the Hella Mega Tour were to go on as planned for August 19th, it would happen the same night as Rage Against The Machine. We’ll either have no problems, or a big fancy super fun problem.
Weezer drop their album OK Human on Friday, then the more bombastic Van Weezer is slated for May 7th.