When I was a kid, I stuck a UHF antenna out the window so our TV would pick up a station from Johnstown that broadcast “Mid-Atlantic Wrestling.”
I did that for one reason: To watch “Nature Boy” Ric Flair.
I’ve been way ahead of the curve on this one. The rest of the world continues catching up next Tuesday when ESPN airs “Nature Boy,” its 30 for 30 on the 16-time world champion.
I have mixed emotions about the excerpts below. It seems like director/producer Rory Karpf interviewed a bunch of marks. Does it matter what ESPN personalities think? It’s a failing brand, but don’t use this to prop it up.
On the other hand, I never knew that story about punching a string, and I co-wrote Ric’s autobiography. Undertaker breaking character? Only for Ric Flair.
“Nature Boy” will be awesome. It can’t help but be. It’s about the greatest pro wrestler of all time, and one of the best athletes ever. #WOOOOO