Today, Wednesday, February 3rd, marks the 62nd anniversary of the deaths of 22-year-old Buddy Holly, 17-year old Richie Valens, and 28-year old J.P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson in an airplane accident in 1959 near Clear Lake, Iowa.
We came to know today as “The Day the Music Died’ from the first verse in Don McLean's "American Pie":
February made me shiver / With every paper I'd deliver
Bad news on the doorstep / I couldn't take one more step
I can’t remember if I cried / When I read about his widowed bride
But something touched me deep inside / The day the music died
To mark the occasion, as well as celebrating the 50th anniversary of the release of “American Pie” in late 1971 here is the new version of American Pie